Thursday, October 27, 2011

Exercise 6

For exercise 7 we were assigned to model a bay of the Linear Gallery in the Architecture Building to exact dimensions, proportions, material qualities, etc. Then, to put the bay into a greater context, illustrate it. My composition emphasizes the linearity of the space (obviously) and gives a better sense of how the bay can be used by students and visitors. The bay does a terrific job in letting in natural light through its many windows and I think that my model does a good job in showing the brightness of the space during midday. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Project 1 Revision

In this revision I decided to add transparent forms to emphasize the flowing negative space within the model. I also added a little more process drawings, showing how the letter is formed and how the two "e"s come together to create the final pattern and model.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Project 1

Expanding upon my ideas in the last exercise, I improved my 3D models for more clarity and context of my process from exercise 1-6. Throughout the process I have analyzed a sans-serif version of the letter "e" from the word "architecture" seen on the left of my board. The font consists of circles and straight lines and almost appears to be drafted; this is a clever way to design a font meant to spell out architecture. Also, the letter is organized through three strong guidelines located at the top, middle (crossbar), and bottom. This idea is shown in my model through the crossing beams that connect the two sets of linked "e"s in my model. The "e"s link together by connecting the tail at its specified angle. Then, by repeating these shapes, the model starts to appear to be made of hollow cylinders with a bar through the middle that link at the top.

Exercise 6

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Exercise 5

For exercise 5, we were assigned the task of taking our analysis of the past few exercises and constructing a  large composition that is visually and spatially pleasing. As you can see, the source material is located on the middle stripe of my 2d pattern and is highlighted in a bold blue color that draws your eye. Under the source word is the pattern in plan - transformed a little bit since the original composition was designed. I have included a hidden line view of the 3d pattern to more clearly illustrate how the letter "e" is being weaved throughout. I chose to include the bottom, rendered perspective to emphasize the "tunnel that is created between the "e"s and accented by the tan, guiding "beams".